January 4, 2020 - Non-Champs Tournament

Entry Fee
Oil Pattern

You simply needed to bowl in any MSBS event prior to this event in order to bowl.

Squad A -- 10:00am
Check-In -- 8:45am-9:50am

Qualifying: 6 games across 6 pairs of lanes.
Eliminator Rounds: Cut to top 16 (based on 64 entries).  All qualifying pins are dropped, and all pins are dropped after each round.  If we get to a round of 3, it will be the final match.  No more than 16 bowlers will qualify for the Eliminator rounds.  
Elim. Round 1:  Top 16 bowl 2 games on 2 pairs of lanes, cut to top 8
Elim. Round 2:  Top 8 bowl 2 game, cut to top 4
Elim. Round 3:  Top 4 bowl 1 game, cut to top 2
Elim. Round 4:  Top 2 bowl 1 game for the title.
Prize Ratio:  A minimum of 1 in 4 entries will cash in this event


Brian Regan
cell (810) 240-6175
email brian@scratchbowling.com
Bowler Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6 Total
1 Jason Flaugh 177 150 245 196 246 188 1202
2 Ryan Briguglio 202 160 181 191 227 223 1184
3 Ben Lapointe 189 171 198 168 226 223 1175
4 Olivia Clark 203 211 177 176 214 192 1173
5 Kyle Clement 198 190 155 245 190 193 1171
6 Samantha Knight 179 182 206 205 196 199 1167
7 Bailey Mavrick 152 199 210 191 202 210 1164
7 Gary Marshman 179 233 177 158 191 226 1164
9 Jordan Dennie 185 195 142 242 224 169 1157
10 Josh Criscenti 175 243 201 189 154 194 1156
11 Dakota Neff 152 191 194 231 187 191 1146
12 Zack Colosimo 223 146 206 210 197 161 1143
13 Drake Csage 180 169 156 191 197 235 1128
14 Mike Cabot 176 200 224 173 210 138 1121
15 Kyle Lewis 168 222 148 249 189 131 1107
16 Eric Porter 154 190 213 180 185 183 1105
17 Jon Niemiec 175 177 213 161 192 184 1102
18 Matt Robson 151 178 147 176 226 221 1099
19 Kyler Bruce 184 191 147 225 161 190 1098
20 Harold Alcini 216 169 167 176 179 187 1094
21 Stephen Hammond 194 165 213 162 174 182 1090
22 Randy Woodwyk 161 171 142 213 208 190 1085
23 C.J. Carmien 163 153 162 183 189 226 1076
24 Jason Hess 195 182 147 180 200 168 1072
25 Derek Case 173 185 166 195 158 188 1065
26 Kevin Bochenek 166 207 188 188 165 148 1062
27 Jeff Califf 183 163 187 175 178 170 1056
28 Andrew Van DeCasteele 145 175 195 206 163 169 1053
29 Greg Rinkevich 190 148 197 180 170 167 1052
30 Zach Kilbourne 187 193 201 158 155 147 1041
31 Jason Cook 113 172 198 162 187 203 1035
32 Justin Parkkila 166 185 172 197 148 162 1030
33 Rob Linn 149 116 213 209 178 164 1029
34 Scott Shepard 168 171 167 174 176 169 1025
35 Derek Lambert 140 154 214 188 169 147 1012
36 Anthony Bunch 191 159 173 139 191 145 998
37 Zack Woodwyk 155 176 164 145 188 169 997
38 Bradley Marsh 150 164 129 193 176 175 987
39 Alex Schneider 150 136 168 193 156 157 960
40 Ross Burnside 140 162 188 145 157 143 935
41 Scott Duff 153 146 126 163 154 163 905
42 Derek Mugerdichian 102 141 120 169 152 153 837
43 Austin Cross 131 133 89 141 163 157 814
44 Cyrus Holland 125 137 118 178 125 118 801
45 Stephen Hurlbut 132 118 142 134 116 132 774
46 Chuck Portman 136 0 0 0 0 0 136

Match 1

Bowler Game 1 Game 2 Total
1 Jason Flaugh 210 209 419
2 Gary Marshman 245 165 410
3 Samantha Knight 193 202 395
4 Bailey Mavrick 198 195 393
5 Ben Lapointe 221 167 388
6 Kyle Clement 170 181 351
7 Zack Colosimo 165 184 349
8 Olivia Clark 165 175 340
9 Ryan Briguglio 164 168 332
10 Josh Criscenti 169 160 329
11 Jordan Dennie 141 183 324
12 Dakota Neff 134 165 299

Match 2

Bowler Game 1 Game 2 Total
1 Jason Flaugh 277 201 478
2 Kyle Clement 217 208 425
3 Bailey Mavrick 212 212 424
4 Samantha Knight 190 222 412
5 Gary Marshman 222 162 384
6 Ben Lapointe 182 145 327

Match 3

Bowler Game 1 Game 2 Total
1 Jason Flaugh 184 244 428
2 Bailey Mavrick 211 182 393
3 Kyle Clement 158 154 312

The actual payout of this event will be posted here once the event has begun, and we know the number of entries.

Payout Scenario #1 Payout Scenario #2

44 entries
1st -- $1000
2nd --  $500
3rd -- $350
4th to 6th -- $180
7th to 11th -- $100

Entry Breakdown $65 prizes, $6 expenses, $14 lineage
$65 x 48 entries = $2860
Total Payout = $2890

90 entries
1st -- $1300
2nd -- $650
3rd -- $460
4th -- $360
5th to 8th -- $260
9th to 16th -- $160
17th to 30th -- $100
*Highest non-cashing Senior -- $100
*Highest noncashing Lady -- $100

*must have a minimum of 3 in each division

Entry Breakdown $65 prizes, $6 expenses, $14 lineage
$65 x 90 entries = $5850
Total Payout = $5990

The optional side action results will be posted here at the conclusion of the tournament

Regular Jackpot--$25 entry
Each game:  $2 per entry goes to 1st
                  $1 per entry goes to 2nd
Totals:  $4 per entry goes to 1st
            $2 per entry goes to 2nd
            $1 per entry goes to 3rd

Extra Totals Jackpots--$40 entry
3 additional Totals Jackpots will be available at $40 per jackpot.  Each Totals Jackpot will work as follows:
  • At least 1 in 4 will cash in each Jackpot
  • Payout is based on qualifying totals only
  • $35 per entry goes to prize fund, $5 to expenses
Set 1 will run for games 1-2-3
Set 2 will run for games 4-5-6
1st is $25 in each bracket
2nd is $10 in each bracket

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*there is no limit  on the $5 brackets